Molehill Studios
Molehill Studios - Reel
Some star moments from recent projects,
List of Projects:
Listed in order of Appearance:
00:00-00:07 Molehill Space Bumper - Personal Project
00:07-00:08 Bacardi Limited: Yearly Sizzle*​
00:08-00:13 Blue Moon: Signature Style*​
00:13-00:15: Bulls: Game time - Personal Project
00:15-00:17 Bacardi Limited: Yearly Sizzle*​
00:17-00:19 CICS: Find Your Superpower*
00:19-00:21 OLPRUVA: Product Demo*​​​​​
00:21-00:22 JUF: Baby to Bubbe*​​
00:22-00:24 Daily Planet's "Room Tone" Short Film - End Credits*
00:24-00:26 Miller Lite: Chi-Rish*
00:26-00:28 Bird & Hawk - Personal Project
00:28-00:29 "Cozy" Definition - Personal Project
00:29-00:29 Gameboy Kid - Personal Project
00:29-00:31 Moscow Mule - Personal Project
00:31-00:32 Feeding America: Farm Bill*
00:32-00:33 Department of Energy: Clean Energy 101 - Solar*
00:33-00:34 Alien Abduction - Personal Project​
00:33-00:34 Bad In These Streets - Personal Project
00:34-00:34 NTT: Neural Networks*
00:34-00:36 Department of Energy: Clean Energy 101 - Induction Stoves*
00:36-00:37 Global Gastro Fest*
00:37-00:41 RODE Microphones: Great Ideas Deserve Great Audio
00:41-00:42 Good News in the Neighborhood - Good for Everyone
00:42-00:44 CICS: Find Your Superpower*
00:44-00:45 Street Wear Sale - Personal Project
00:45-00:46 Perry2N - Starting Soon
00:46-00:48 JUF: Baby to Bubbe*​​
00:48-00:49 Turning Point - Waubonsee Community College
00:49-00:51 Brain Balance: Parents Know*​
00:51-00:54 Encyclopedia Britannica: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow*
*Made In collaboration with Daily Planet Productions